Engine Type Liquid-cooled 4-stroke
Displacement 249.4
Bore x Stroke 79 x 50.9
Compression Ratio 13.9:1
Starter Electric
Fuel Capacity 6.3
Cooling system Liquid-cooled
LxWxH 2177 X 827 X 1265
Seat Height 961
Ground Clearance 333
Wheel Base 1477
Curb Mass 104
Wheel Travel Front 273
Wheel Travel Rear 313
Brakes Front 1x 260mm disc
Brakes Rear 1x 240mm disc
Tyre Size Front 80/100-21
Tyre Size Rear 100/90-19
LAMS Approved NO

Horsepower is horsepower, right? Anybody who’s ever raced knows it’s a lot more complicated. Where your bike makes its power is as important as how much power it puts out. And that’s where our 2022 Honda CRF250R is a real game-changer. Because we’ve made some big improvements to this bike’s engine, giving it way more power and torque in the midrange. And that means it’s easier to ride fast because the midrange is key in critical track sections like whoops, managing jumps, or powering through deep loam and berms.

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And to handle all that extra torque, we’ve also given it a new nine-plate clutch. Finally, there’s the new single-pipe exhaust, designed to make moving on the bike easier, and a big contributor to the bike’s lower overall weight. Ready to ride and ready to win.

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